Self Catering Accommodation
The Star ratings reflect the quality that you're looking for when booking Self Catering Holiday accommodation. The rating system is the result of extensive research into visitor expectations, ensuring that you can find the place to stay that suits you best. You can also rest assured that it has been checked out beforehand. All properties have to meet an extensive list of minimum requirements to take part in the scheme. From there, increased levels of quality apply. For instance, you'll find acceptable quality at one Star, good to very good quality at three Stars and exceptional quality at five Stars.
Quite simply, the more Stars, the higher the overall level of quality you can expect to find. Establishments at higher rating levels also have to meet some additional requirements for facilities.
Minimum entry requirements include the following
- High standard of cleanliness throughout
- Pricing and conditions of booking made clear
- Local information to help you make the best of your stay
- Comfortable accommodation with a range of furniture to meet your needs
- Colour television (where signal available) at no extra charge
- Kitchen equipped to meet all essential requirements
Serviced apartments provide self-catering accommodation with additional elements of service e.g. 24 hour concierge service, 5 out of 7 days cleaning service.
One Star
Simple style accommodation where all areas are safe and clean. Unlikely to be self-contained (e.g. might have a shared bathroom). All equipment provided will work and be fit for its purpose. The accommodation will be cleaned for guests’ arrival.
Beds of at least standard adult size (unless advertised otherwise), provided with clean bedding in sufficient quantity. Linen may or may not be provided.
Potential visitors will be given advance details of accommodation, facilities and services available. Health, Safety and Statutory obligations complied with.
Two Star
All units will be self-contained. Generally good overall quality of décor, furnishings and fixtures, which may be of a practical or older style. Space may be limited, particularly in bedrooms. At least one bathroom and WC for up to eight guests.
Limited additional facilities and services.
Three Star
Quality of décor and furnishings will demonstrate greater attention to co-ordination and practicality. More spacious accommodation offering greater levels of comfort and freedom of movement, e.g. access to both sides of double beds. Good lighting provision, with each occupant provided with bedside table and lamp. Controlled heating.
Wider range of appliances, including microwave oven and access to vacuum cleaner.
Some leisure facilities e.g. boxed games, toys, barbecue, as appropriate.
Four Star
Comfortable accommodation, decorated to a high standard. Usually more spacious with very good quality furniture, soft furnishings, beds and floorings. Bed linen and towels provided, with or without an additional charge.
More extensive range of appliances, including access to washing machine and tumble dryer (or 24 hour laundry service). Additional separate WC available if more than six guests can be accommodated.
Additional facilities, e.g. leisure, sporting, may be provided. All equipment and facilities in good order.
Five Star
Excellent quality accommodation, demonstrating the best of its type available. A high specification evident in all areas. Attention to detail shown in design, both internal and external, with exemplary standards of care and maintenance. Sleeping in designated bedrooms only, i.e. no sofa beds.
Full range of appliances and equipment including freezer, dishwasher, in-house laundry facilities (or 24 hour service) and Video/DVD player. Telephone provided, capable of receiving incoming and making outgoing calls. Bed linen and towels available and included in hire charge. Extra bath or shower, WC and washbasin provided if more than six guests can be accommodated.
Where leisure facilities are provided these will be in excellent order, under supervision, where appropriate and with extended opening hours to suit customer needs.
Management organisation and levels of guest care will be exemplary.
For - Self Catering Holiday Accommodation in the Brecon Beacons |